How I Work


Private Coaching

Clients work with me in pre-arranged coaching sessions from all around the world.

I do the vast majority of my work on the phone or Zoom because we’re all busy and these are effective, easy way to meet. Although using the phone can seem strange at first, most people adjust quickly and enjoy the comfortableness, the rapport that develops, and the time-saving convenience. 

Our working relationship will be designed specifically for your style and goals. I ask clients to think ahead and plan how they want to use our time.

Individual Monthly Coaching includes:

  • Extended initial session included in first month’s fee.
  • Four 40-minute sessions.
  • Assignments between sessions designed to create action and foster insight.
  • Unlimited e-mail exchanges Monday through Friday.
  • In-between session calls, 5-10 minutes, as needed to work through an immediate challenge or share a success.
  • You’re welcome to participate in a group at a discounted rate.


Mentor Coaching

Mentoring involves teaching and training newer coaches or partnering with more experienced coaches who are working toward recertification or who want to deepen their skills or have a tune-up.

Mentoring can be as needed, perhaps to work through a gnarly issue, or a series of sessions to gain greater understanding of coaching presence, the process, and skills.

Certification mentoring is an extensive exploration of the coach candidate’s work, style, and proficiency. We listen to and review segments of taped sessions together at our meetings. Since mentees may have been trained at different programs or according to a particular coaching model, the common ground we use in our sessions is the International Coaching Federation’s core competencies.

The International Coaching Federation’s certification or recertification requires ten hours of mentoring when applying and preparing for the designation of Associate Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC), or Master Certified Coach (MCC). As an MCC, I am able to mentor candidates at any level.


Other Coaching Options

“Just in time”– Coaching just when you need it:
This is a unique option to support you immediately. Contact me for a session to clarify your concern and create an action plan with specific strategies and next steps.

Your Coaching Fees May Be Tax Deductible
In the U.S.A., expenses of continuing education undertaken to maintain and improve business and professional skills may be tax-deductible. (Treas. Reg. 1-162-5. Coughlin vs. Commissioner, 203F 2d 307.)  Your tax consultant can provide you with further information.

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